Wednesday, October 14, 2015

First Things Assignments

First Grade
Explore the poem “First Grade.” Using it as a model, write a poem that talks about the school experience, whether from the point of view of a very young child, or as an older student. Use the same number of lines and stanzas.  

The First Day
Read this amazing story, being sure to highlight the words a phrases that stand out to you as particularly wonderful and ALSO noting sensory description: ways the author is appealing to the five senses (smell, feeling, taste, sight, hearing) in order to help you, the reader, connect with the story.

What is the theme of this story—what is the big thing about life or childhood that this author is talking about in this piece? Frame your answer in the form of a sentence.

Begin your own story about a first—first day of soccer practice, first time fishing with Dad, first time you realized how wonderful music was, first tooth lost, first swim trophy fist time driving a car, first best friend—anything that has a strong emotion for you—and make that emotion the theme of your piece. Be sure to include the sights, sounds and smells, tastes, etc. that go along with your story to make it “pop” for the reader—so they can recognize your experience.

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