Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dealing with Drafts and Comma Splices!

We have been working on eliminating comma splices from our writing and revising and editing drafts this week. Below are the documents you will need to complete assignments you may have missed or neglected to turn in:
Comma Splice Lesson
Comma Splice Worksheet
First Things Story (some of you have not turned this in or need to re-do it).

CHOOSE ONE of these to revise, edit, type up and hand in by Friday, April 8th:
1- Ekphrastic Fantastic story or poem: see former posts for details.
2- Flash Fiction Story: Read the three samples provided in class (ask the teacher for a copy) and write your own short, short story (750 words or less) that begins with the same opening line as one of these stories AND has a major theme behind the details of the character, plot, and setting of your story.
Examples: the "Pumpkins" story is REALLY about something other than an accident, the "Teh Stones" story is not REALLY about rocks, at all, and "The One Sitting There" is not REALLY a story about cleaning out a refrigerator-- you get the point. Make sure your original story has a point!

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