Thursday, February 28, 2013

Feb 25 - March 1st

This week in review:

Monday/Tuesday: we keyboarded our hearts out and finished a compete draft of the short story--turned them in on-
Wednesday: We wrote a discussion in class (silent discussion), and then began to brainstorm for our writing frenzy about our DREAM ROAD TRIP that began on
Thursday: Went through the Dream Road trip REVISION process (see link on Wednesday) up to Haiku (that rhymes!)
Friday: 1- Finish with the haiku RE-VISION of our road trip and EDIT AND TURN IN our pantoum and our cinquain (see link from Wednesday).
2- Funeral for the remaining eggs: Turn in: How Mr. Egg should leave this world, and why. (10-20 words, only)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

This Week in Review/Preview

Tuesday: We wrote a bit about our eggs and then got involved in good writing--we had a lesson on SHOWING, NOT TELLING as we write.Showing Character Lesson

Wednesday: We wrote for a bit in our journals about a new birth: The title is, "It's a ...." We also thought about how our egg would survive in a spoon, fit in a spoon, make it from one spoon to another, etc. THEN we got into character, stiuation and desires and obstacles: we are completing a lesson/worksheet intitled, "Writing the Short Story" and then we will do just that--
Thursday: Complete the worksheet on "Writing the Short Story" and then begin a hand-written draft of your story-- Don't forget about amazing opening lines, showing instead of telling about characters, noticing details, using metaphor, and all the other great stuff we've been working on since the start of the semester.
Friday: We are off the the middle computer lab in the library to type up a draft of our:
Monday: We type again
  Short Story:
5-7 pages 
Times New Roman 
one-inch margins. 
Can be about anything, but must have at least one clearly written major character with a clear goal/desire and at least one major obstacle to obtaining said goal.  Of course-- friends/enemies, internal and external conflicts, extraordinary powers, long-lost wizard uncles, purple irises and fangs are fun, and multiple belly-buttons and evil twins are fine, as are ice/lava/tornadoes/meteor showers and singing dwarfs and talking bananas-- but remember that you can't go over seven pages. At all. Period. Thank you and have fun!
Complete, Typed Draft Due Tuesday, Feb. 26th.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Eggy Days and Eggy Nights

Light and dark, comedy and tragedy, evil plots and sweet dreams-- all of this drama we have experienced as we CLOSELY OBSERVED our eggs.
Here is some of what we did in class: Class activity #1  Class activity #2
Please be sure to bring in at least 50 observations on Monday--if they are in your writing journal, no worries, I will just look at them, not tear them out.
We are also almost done with our Synesthesia poem.
Here is the explanation of that assignment: Synesthesia Poem
Here is the grading rubric, so you know what you will be judged on, in the end: S. Poem Grading rubric

Here is more writing you might have missed: First Lines  and  Close Observation Story: Take this Fish!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Notes

Due Friday: Final Draft of "Moody Poem" and first draft of "101 Word Journey" (see previous posts for details). Tomorrow we will present our poems--read them to the class--share our GENIUS!

If you were absent, here are the journal exercises we did today:

Opening Line

Finally, after years and years of arduous searching, we found it. Damn.

Use the following line as the opening line of a short-story or poem. (5 minutes)

Short Words
Write a paragraph that uses only one syllable words. Your choice of subject. (10 minutes)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Brand New Semester--Created!

Welcome to Creative Writing!  I don't have but a minute, so I will just slam down a few links and talk about the class more at a later date. Please make sure you have a writing folder with fresh paper and three prongs (no spirals!) with you for each class. this is where you will keep all your exercises and activities from class for the whole semester, plus whatever else you want to write in there.
Monday: We wrote a quick, three-line poem exploring the visual possibilities of metaphor, and then we completed a "Moody Poem" where, again, we tried to capture abstract ideas with written images (IMAGERY!).
Tuesday we wrote 101 word stories about a journey.  Here is a link to the instructions: 101 Word Story
Wednesday We wrote in our writing folders for fifteen minutes and shared our work: prompt
worked some more on those short, short, 101 word stories and started to revise our Moody poems-- we will finish both these tasks on Thursday.
Enjoy the day!
Mrs. E