Friday, September 25, 2015

Here is the story assignment from Friday, September 25th

We will work some more on these on Monday, and they are due Wednesday, September 30th, at the beginning of class.
Adventure Story Creative Writing Grab Bag Assignment

Thursday, September 24, 2015

2015 Begins!

We have been so, so busy writing! Here are the assignments so far:

1- Write a half-page draft of a story that begins with this line: "The cat stepped back into the room and looked around." Pay attention to verb tense (stay either in the past or present-- do not switch around) and narrative point of view-- don't accidentally switch from third person to first person, etc.
2- 101 Word Story
3- Three Line Poem: Metaphors Move!
4- "I Am" Poem: Format    Example poem I AM poems are due no later than September 24th