Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stuff We Are Up To In Class and OUT!

Here is the skinny on what we are doing the rest of this week and Monday of next week:
Lessons From Wednesday the 21st to Monday the 26th of September:
Creative Writing

1-      Journal Write: 10 minutes—share with peers.
2-      I will Introduce the FINAL PROJECT (Book Publishing) next Wednesday—keep thinking about what kind of books you like to read and would like to write!)
3-      LAST CALL: Turn in 101- word Stories
4-      Hand back 3-line poems
5-      My Literacy Story:
a.      TODAY: go over assignment one more time, briefly—then do ONE MORE of the journal writes—you choose.
b.      Start that handwritten draft: find the journal write that you think you can expand into a larger essay, and grab a Chromebook and start that first draft. Try and finish a whole draft today, if you can. TRY REALLY HARD NOT TO EDIT OR FOOL WITH IT TOO MUCH UNTIL YOU GET THE WHOLE THING OUT THERE ON PAPER THE FIRST TIME—RADICAL IDEA: TURN OFF SPELLCHECK!
c.        FRIDAY: Finish up a pretty good draft—revising and editing what you did today as best you can, then figure out a way to PRINT it:
1.      Go onto one of the classroom computers and log into your school Google account from there and print on the classroom printer (it is sitting on a file cabinet over by the TV).
2.      OR: Finish up your revision and editing at home this weekend if you don’t have time in class on Friday, and print it out at home or from the school library before you get to class Monday.

6-      MONDAY: Being in a PRINTED COPY for peer review. You will have two other people read your paper and you will read two other people’s papers—I have a peer review form for you to fill out, it is very detailed, but encouraging of good points and contains some useful advice on how you might add something more in final revision.

Journal Write:
9/21/2016                   Character Faces                     
Write a short description of one of these characters— then write a back-story for them. Who are they? (Naming characters is a great skill). Where do they live? What is their greatest hope, greatest fear, greatest accomplishment, greatest failure? What do they do, desire, dream about when the day is lazy and the sun is out? What do they love to eat? What is their favorite subject, favorite TV show, favorite music genre, favorite flavor of toothpaste? What kind of vacation would they like to take on Spring Break? Who do they talk to when they are really upset about something? Give as much background as you can—so you feel like you know them—at least as they would appear in a story that YOU wrote!

Monday, September 19, 2016

So sorry this is late!

Last week we spent quite a bit of time writing-- of course! We also began sharing a bit-- reading our 101-word stories in class. We will continue that this week, giving everyone a chance. You guys are so creative in your stories! Below are the writing folder prompts, etc. in case you were missing last week. We also introduced our next writing unit (My Literacy Story) and wrote on two of the journal prompts.
TURNED IN LAST WEEK: 101 Word stories and Three Line Poems (metaphor moves).
September 12 Lesson
September 14 lesson
September 16th Lesson
Metaphor Moves (Three-line Poems Lesson)
My Literacy Story Unit

Friday, September 16, 2016

New Stuff on the Way!

I will post all the activities and documents from this week later tonight (Friday). Thanks for your patience!
Mrs. Eddy

Friday, September 9, 2016

Metaphor is there for a reason!

We had fun with metaphor today and wrote some quick poetry and started our first assignment-- here are links!
Mrs. E
101 Word Story
September 9th Lesson

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Welcome to a new year and a full semester of expression through writing-- sooooo fabulous!
Here is the course syllabus to get you started-- can't wait to get going. See you on September 7th,
Mrs. Eddy
Syllabus for 2016-17